Market Validation and Selective Funding Assist

Maximize your startup's potential with our market validation and selective funding assist services. Launch your idea on JinPad - our exclusive platform for innovation validation.

Validate and Grow with the Power of Community

Empower your innovation journey with market validation and selective funding assist
Leverage the power of early market validation
Target Market Insight

Gain valuable insights into your target market's needs and preferences.

Risk Mitigation

Validate before investing further in development, reducing risk and wastage.

Potential Partnerships

Create opportunities for partnerships and collaborations via JinPad's community.

Early Customer Acquisition

Secure early adopters and pre-orders for your product or service.

Confident Decision-making

Use market feedback for informed and confident business decisions.

Attract Funding

Increase the odds of acquiring selective funding through validated ideas.

Our Approach to Early Validation and Funding

Methodical, insight-driven, and value-optimized
Getting Started
Idea Presentation

Register your project on JinPad, prepare your video elevator pitch, logo and value proposition heading and statements for JinPad to create a single-page application for your idea.

Engagement and Feedback
Market Engagement

Engage your target market, monitor trends, and track visitor metrics on JinPad.

Feedback and Validation

Collect feedback, evaluate the viability of your idea, and validate it with actual market data.

Selective Funding
Selective Funding

Based on validation results, we assist you in acquiring selective funding support for your project, preparing you for investment pitches and organizing exclusive pitch-day events.

Funding Support

Ready to Validate and Propel Your Idea?

Don't let the fear of the unknown hold you back. Validate your idea and take your product to the next level with JinPad

Everything you need to know

Navigate the intricacies of market validation and selective funding with our comprehensive FAQs. Empowering you to make informed decisions and secure investment with ease.
What is Market Validation and Selective Funding?

Market validation is a critical process that verifies if your product or service concept is desirable to your target market. It involves targeted feedback and data collection mechanisms to estimate the prospect of your product or service.Selective funding, on the other hand, is the financial backing acquired based on the validation results and investors' interest.

Do I need Market Validation and Selective Funding?

Yes, you do. Whether you're in the ideation stage, post-POC development or at the brink of launching an MVP, market validation is a vital step that can save you time, resources and cost by confirming your product-market fit. Once validated, selective funding helps gather resources for the next steps in your innovation journey.

Why choose us for your Market Validation and Selective Funding needs?

Our platform, JinPad, offers an exclusive environment for you to showcase your idea, gather invaluable feedback, attract potential partners and even collect pre-orders at discounted rates. This not only gives you an initial customer base but also puts you on the radar of potential investors for selective funding.